Boatshed and bathing box licences

Kingston has 190 brightly coloured boatsheds and bathing boxes, part of the 2,000 of these historic structures that date back to the 1860s, that sit along the Port Phillip and Westernport coastline.

To learn more about their history and management guidelines, view our Boatshed and Bathing Box Policy.(PDF, 649KB)

Information for licence holders

What are my rights and responsibilities?

The boatshed/bathing boxes must be maintained in a safe and aesthetically pleasing state and only allowed for the following uses:

  • the storage of bathing suits, beach accessories, boats, boating equipment and fishing equipment
  • convenience and comfort associated with beach use, i.e.: shade, shelter, undressing and dressing before and after bathing.

Residential or commercial purposes are not allowed, including overnight accommodation.

View our Boatshed and Bathing Box Policy to learn more about your rights as a licence holder.

How do I transfer my licence?

To transfer your licence, fill out the boatshed licence transfer form(PDF, 304KB).

How do I repair and maintain?

In order to protect the aesthetics and uniformity of the historic bathing boxes and boatsheds, repairs and alterations must adhere to the construction guidelines(PDF, 2MB) .

How do I report an issue?

To report damages and maintenance issues, call 1300 653 356 or email