Positive ageing


Council’s Positive Ageing portfolio aims to have policies, services and structures that support people aged 55+.

We recognise older people as valuable members of the community and respect and acknowledge their contributions made to Kingston. We provide opportunities to maintain health and well being by participating in local activities and events, to increase social connection.

Your Voice newsletter

'Your Voice' is a hardcopy quarterly Senior’s newsletter sent via post.

It is a great way to stay updated with all the latest information about:

  • positive ageing
  • news
  • community groups
  • events and activities 
  • senior services in your local community

View the current edition of Your Voice(PDF, 2MB).

Subscribe or contribute

If you would like to receive future Your Voice newsletter editions in the mail, request a previous edition or contribute an article, please get in touch with our Social Inclusion Officer at 1300 653 356 or email info@kingston.vic.gov.au

Seniors Festival

The Kingston Seniors Festival celebrates ageing positively throughout the month of October and recognises the important contribution older people make to our community.

The Festival is an annual event and is an opportunity for older people to learn what activities are available to them and to join clubs and groups in the local community.

Planning for this year’s Festival has commenced. To include your event in this year’s Booklet, please complete the online event submission form by Friday 30 May 2025. Forms submitted after this date cannot be published in the booklet due to production deadlines. As space is limited, we ask that you are concise when describing your event. Event entries in the booklet are at the discretion of the City of Kingston.

Online Event Submission Form

For more information about the Seniors Festival, please contact the City of Kingston at 1300 653 356 or info@kingston.vic.gov.au

Services Expo

Each November we host a free Services Expo to enable carers and their families to discover services that can support them and find new ways to stay active and connected in the community:

  • Find information about low-cost community activities, exercise programs and social groups.
  • Learn about support services including financial, legal, navigating service systems and more.
  • Meet aged care and disability service providers.
  • Discover paid or volunteer employment opportunities.

See the list of exhibitors(PDF, 400KB) from our 2024 expo. 

For any enquiries, please contact call 1300 653 356 or email info@kingston.vic.gov.au

Clubs networks

The purpose of the Clubs networks:

  • To build fellowship between Clubs and Kingston Council and to provide an avenue for effective communication;
  • To support collaboration and information sharing between Clubs;
  • To assist Clubs with their activities and events by providing information, resources and promotion;
  • To identify and encourage potential partnerships;
  • To provide information about grants, nominations for awards and trainings;
  • To provide information relevant to seniors to maintain their engagement in the community e.g. transport options, services, aged care system etc.

Probus clubs

Kingston has nine Probus Clubs providing activities for residents. They offer variety of activities including guest speakers, craft, games, walking groups and bus tours.

Download the Probus Clubs network list(PDF, 118KB).

Senior clubs

The senior club network comprises of more than fifty clubs including senior citizens, ethnic specific and multicultural groups.

Clubs offer a variety of activities including guest speakers, concerts, exercise groups, games, outings, morning tea and lunch / dance events.

Download the Senior Clubs network list(PDF, 238KB).

For more information about individual Clubs and calendars of events visit mycommunitylife.com.au.

Senior’s transport guide

The Senior’s Transport Guide contains a short summary of programs, services and support options assisting seniors and adults with disabilities with their access to suitable transport.

Download the Senior’s Transport Guide(PDF, 575KB).

Centenarian event

Each September, we host an annual '100 Years of Memories Luncheon' to celebrate the lives of senior residents who have reached the milestone of 100 years of age.

The Centenarians, and two of their guests, are invited to the event which includes a two-course lunch, musical performance and presentations of gifts and certificates by the Mayor.

If you, a family member or friend will be celebrating their 100th birthday in 2025 or if you're older than 100, please contact us on 1300 653 356 or email info@kingston.vic.gov.au by 16 May 2025.