Hard waste

Hard waste bookings will continue to be collected as normal during the Easter and Anzac Day public holidays.

Hard waste refers to large items that cannot fit in a regular household bin, such as:

  • household furniture
  • electronic appliances and e-waste
  • mattresses and bed bases

Residential properties using our kerbside bins receive two free on-call collections per financial year (replacing the single annual collection that used to take place in September/October).

After booking your hard waste collection, your items will be collected on your next bin collection day. Metal items are collected by a separate truck and will be collected within 24hrs of your other hard waste items.

Additional bookings can be made at $85.77 per collection.

Before booking a hard waste collection, please consider your environmental impact and reuse, repair, donate or sell any items in good condition.

Booked collection

Step 1.Find out what goes in hard waste

Accepted items can include:

  • Bike, BBQs and tools
  • Fridges with doors removed
  • Furniture and electric appliances
  • Mattresses, bed bases and bedding
  • Mirrors and glass wrapped and labelled
  • Scrap metal no longer than 1.5 metres

Unaccepted items can include:

  • Building and renovation materials
  • Car tyres and engine blocks
  • Gas cylinders, chemicals and liquids
  • Paint and oil
  • Soil and garden waste

Check the full list of what we can and can’t collect as hard waste.

If you have unaccepted items, learn how to safely dispose of them.

Step 2.Determine when your items will be collected

After booking your hard waste collection, your items will be collected on your next bin day. For example, if your wheelie bins are emptied on a Friday, your items will also be collected on a Friday, but by a different truck.

To ensure your booking is completed on time, please book before 3pm on the business day before your normal bin collection day. For example, if your bin day is on a Monday, please book before 3pm on the Friday before.

Step 3.Book your collection

Complete the form below to book your hard waste collection. Once your booking has been confirmed, your hard waste will be collected on your next bin day. You will receive a booking confirmation email within 24 hours.

You will need a valid email address and phone number.

If your two free collections have been used, a payment of $85.77 can be made by Visa or Mastercard for each additional collection. 

Book your hard waste collection

Alternatively, call our Customer Care team on 1300 653 356

Step 4.Put your items out


  • place your hard waste on your nature strip no earlier than the weekend before your collection date.
  • stack items neatly in a pile no bigger than two cubic metres (2 m x 1 m x 1 m).


  • place items out after your collection date 
  • leave hard waste items on private property, parklands or vacant land.   

Step 5.Wait for your items to be collected

Your hard waste items will be picked up on your usual bin day. Don’t be worried if your bins have been emptied, but your hard waste items are still there. They will be collected by a different truck at a different time on that day.

Residents are responsible for removing any unaccepted items from the nature strip within 24 hours after collection.

Frequently asked questions

What items can and can’t be collected as hard waste?

Accepted items include:

  • Barbeques
  • Bikes
  • Carpet (1 roll)
  • Chairs and couches
  • Computers
  • Doonas, blankets and pillows
  • Fridges (with doors removed)
  • Hot water systems
  • Household items
  • Lawn mowers
  • Mattresses and bed bases
  • Mirrors and glass (wrapped and labelled)
  • Paint tins (empty with lids off)
  • Scrap metal (no longer than 1.5 metres)
  • Stoves
  • Tables and drawers
  • Televisions
  • Timber (maximum 6 pieces, no bigger than 2 cm x 4 cm x 1.5 m)
  • Tools

Unaccepted items include:

  • Asbestos
  • Batteries
  • Broken and/or unwrapped glass
  • Building and renovation materials
  • Car tyres
  • Cement sheeting
  • Chemicals and liquid
  • Commercial or business waste
  • Concrete and plaster
  • Engine blocks
  • Empty chemical containers
  • General household rubbish
  • Garden waste
  • Gas cylinders
  • Hazardous waste
  • Paint and oil
  • Polystyrene
  • Soil

I have items that are not accepted as hard waste, how do I dispose of them?

I've booked a hard waste collection; when will my items be picked up?

After booking your hard waste collection, your items will be collected on your next bin day.

For example, if your wheelie bins are emptied on a Friday, your items will also be collected on a Friday, but by a different truck.

Why were items left behind after my collection?

Items may be left behind after your collection due to reasons including:

  • Too many items were presented. Only two cubic meters (2 m x 1 m x 1 m) will be collected. You can book additional collections for $85.77 (in addition to your two free collections per financial year).
  • Items were not acceptable (for example, bagged garbage, building materials, gas cylinders, paints etc)
  • Items were too heavy
  • Items were too big (larger than 1.5m)
  • Items exceeded acceptable volumes (too much timber or carpet)

Residents are responsible for removing any unaccepted items from the nature strip within 24 hours after collection. See our A to Z of waste disposal guide for information on how to properly dispose of unaccepted items.

I've just booked a hard waste collection; when can I put my items on the nature strip?

Please put your hard waste items on the nature strip no earlier than the weekend before your collection date and no later than the night before your collection date.

What's the latest I can book a collection?

You can book a collection up until 3pm the day before your bin day (which is also the day your hard waste will be collected).

Can I reschedule or cancel my hard waste collection?

Yes, you can reschedule or cancel your hard waste booking. This can be done up until 3pm on the day before your collection.

For example, if your collection date is on a Wednesday, you can reschedule or cancel your booking by 3pm on the Tuesday before.

Please call our Customer Care team on 1300 653 356 to reschedule or cancel your hard waste booking.

If I cancel my hard waste collection, will that count towards my two free collections?

If you cancel your hard waste booking by 3pm, on the day before your collection date, it will not count towards your two free collections.

Can I use my two free collections at once if I have a large number of hard waste items?

Yes, you can book your two free collections for the same day.

Will my items be collected by the same truck as my general household waste?

No, your hard waste items will be collected by a different truck. Do not be worried if your bins have been emptied, but your hard waste items still remain on the nature strip. They will be collected by a different truck at a different time on that day.

I have just moved into my new home, and my 2 free hard waste collections have already been used for my property; what do I do?

The two free hard waste collections are allocated to a property. If the two free allocations have already been used for that property for the current financial year, you will need to wait until July 1 (next financial year) to book your two free hard waste collections. Additional hard waste bookings can be made for a small fee.

I have booked a hard waste collection, but there is no room on my nature strip to put the items; what do I do?

If there is no room on your nature strip for your hard waste items, items can be placed within 1 m inside of your front fence for collection.

I live in an apartment/unit, do I have access to the hard waste service?

Residential properties using Council’s kerbside bins receive two free on-call collections per financial year.

This service is not available for commercial organisations or residents that use private waste collection services, such as large multi-unit dwellings.

Please contact your Property Manager or Owner’s Corporation to arrange a collection.