Online services including requests, payments and some forms will not be available between 5pm Friday 21 February and 5pm Sunday 23 February. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Put clean seedling pots in your recycling bin (yellow lid).
Plastic pots designed for long-term use are not recyclable plastic and go in your landfill bin (red lid).
Black plant pots are not recyclable due to their dark colour. Sorting machines at the recycling centres will not pick these up.
Please reuse any plastic plant pots in good condition or donate at your local Bunnings store for others to reuse.
Put small and broken terracotta or ceramic pots in your landfill bin (red lid).
Book a hard waste collection to dispose of large pots.
Donate pots in good condition at your local Op Shop or give away or sell on Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree.