We aim to achieve an efficient transport network that also respects and enhances the local environment and traffic safety within the Kingston municipality.
You need a permit if your works include road closure or occupation on Council owned roads.
You will need approval before you start any of the below activities:
You need a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for any road or construction work that disrupts access to Council roads or road reserve.
Pre-approved traffic management plans
Use the link below if you have a pre-approved TMP as part of a Construction Management Plan.
Occupation of council land permit
Road works
Use this link for infrastructure works within a road reserve including, but not limited to:
- service connections
- utility works
- open cut road work
- vehicle crossing and footpath constructions
- other public works.
Traffic management plan for road works
Road occupation
Use this link for traffic disruption works that service a private development including, but not limited to:
- concrete pours
- crane lifting.
Traffic management plan for construction
The cost of TMP assessment is $373.70 for local roads and $685.30 for major roads plus applicable occupation fee at $15.65 per sqm per week.
- It normally takes 10 working days to review and approve a TMP application.
- A TMP must be prepared by a qualified person and carried out by suitably trained personnel.
- The TMP must meet the requirements of the Road Management Act Worksite Safety – Traffic Management Code of Practice 2004.
A permit is required to place a shipping container on a Council road.
Short-term permits are issued for two days or less.
If you need the container for more than three days, please contact our Traffic team to review the site for safety and suitability before you apply for a permit.
Apply for a shipping container permit
The cost of a shipping container permit is $33.87 per day for 20ft shipping container and $67.73 per day for 40ft shipping container.
You must apply at least 10 days before the delivery date along with a plan showing the location of the proposed shipping container.
The plan should show:
- fire hydrants
- Council assets such as pits
- other authority assets.
Shipping containers are generally placed on the road, in front of a business or residential property.
A shipping container cannot be placed:
- on a nature strip
- less than 1.5 metres from the driveway
- within 10 metres of an intersection or 20 metres if there are traffic signals
- where it protrudes onto the footpath
- where vehicle or pedestrian access is blocked.
Reflector tape should be placed on the edge of the container at least 1.4 metres from the ground.
A works zone is a dedicated parking area for a construction site.
Apply for a works zone permit
The cost of a works zone is $455.44 sign installation/removal fee + $16.23 per linear metre per week.
You must apply at least 10 days before the delivery date along with a plan showing the location of the proposed work zone location and installation and removal dates.
Works zones will generally not be approved in the following circumstances:
- where there are existing no standing signs in place
- where there is an existing bus zone or bus lane
- whereby the works zone encroaches beyond the property boundary (unless written approval from neighbours is obtained)
- any other situations that are deemed unsatisfactory for a Works Zone by Council’s Traffic Department.
Apply for this permit if your works will have a minor impact on traffic and pedestrians. For example:
- minor building work
- hoarding
- gantry
- scaffolding
- storage of materials on a nature strip or footpath.
Apply for an occupation of council land permit
The cost of occupation is $15.65 per sqm per week.
You will also need building approval for hoarding, scaffolding or gantry. Call us on 9581 4130 for more information.