Disability information

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All Abilities Action Plan 2024 - 2028

Development of the new All Abilities Action Plan began in 2023. Employing a co-design methodology, a dedicated Co-design Team comprising community members with disability and carers worked with Council to create an inclusive plan for all.

The vision of the plan developed by the Co-design team:

As a person with disability in Kingston I feel valued and included and can contribute to my community. I have the freedom to access what I need, when I need it, without feeling vulnerable, because I live in a community where diversity is seen as a strength and accessibility and inclusion benefit everyone.

Read the plan

Access friendly beaches

Kingston features two of the most accessible beaches in the south-east and provides accessible infrastructure and equipment to the community to support access for everyone to our beautiful beaches.

With support from Carrum Surf Lifesaving Club, Mordialloc Lifesaving Club and Chelsea Lifesaving Club, the accessible beach program provides beach matting and free hire of beach wheelchairs to the community. Beach matting is rolled out by volunteers on weekends during the Life Saving Clubs' patrolled hours.

Beach wheelchairs

Beach wheelchairs and hoists are available for public use. Contact one of the Surf Life Saving Clubs listed below for bookings. Beach wheelchairs have large wheels that are made for sand. A Carer can use a hoist to assist someone with disability to be seated on the wheelchair. The Carer then pushes the beach wheelchair onto the beach. All our beach wheelchairs also have the capability to go into the surf but only minimally.

  • Carrum Surf Life Saving Club - Invacare hoist, Mobi Chair wheelchair, Changing places facilities
  • Mordialloc Life Saving Club - Hippocompe wheelchair, Changing places facilities
  • Chelsea Longbeach Surf Life Saving Club - beach wheelchair only.

Please note, none of the beach wheelchairs are designed to be used independently. Users should have the right level of support to transfer into and use the equipment, particularly if you intend to go into the water. Lifesavers on duty may be available for support, but are not responsible for use and supporting transfer into beach wheelchairs.

Accessible beach matting

Mordialloc and Carrum beaches have beach matting to provide a firm path to the water’s edge.

The beach matting is rolled out by volunteer lifeguards on weekends during the Life Saving Club’s patrolled hours. Whilst volunteer clubs aim to ensure the matting is out during patrol, there may be occasions when this is not possible due to tides or volunteer availability.

Accessible change facilities

An accessible change facility called Changing Places, including adult sized change table and hoist is available at Carrum Foreshore, Mordialloc Foreshore, Mentone LSC. This facility allows people with higher needs to transfer, shower, toilet and get changed These facilities are accessible via a MLAK access key. Please bring your own MLAK to ensure access.

Accessible ramps

Accessible pedestrian ramps are available at all the Kingston Lifesaving Clubs.

At the December 2021 meeting, Council approved the delivery of accessible ramps at 6 locations along the foreshore over the next 5 years based on community feedback.

The Parkdale Yacht Club ramp, new car park and completion of the missing section of Bay Trail is to be completed in 2023. The new ramp complies with accessibility standards and includes seating at sections along the ramp for people to enjoy bay views. A fully accessible DDA compliant pedestrian ramp is also available at the new Mentone LSC from the car park to the beach level.

More pedestrian upgrades from beach carparks via ramps to the beach level are in the Open Spaces Council Plan.

Accessible parking

Accessible parking spaces are available at Carrum and Mordialloc LSC close to the LSC.

Additional accessible parking spaces are also available with the Changing places facilities located at Mentone, Carrum and Mordialloc. There is a pathway from the Changing Places facility to beach entrance ramps and the SLSC in each of these locations.

Accessible amenities

Accessible change facilities

An accessible change facility called Changing Places, including adult-sized change table and hoist is available at Bicentennial Park, Carrum Foreshore, Mordialloc Foreshore, Mentone LSC. This facility allows people with higher needs to transfer, shower, toilet and get changed. These facilities are accessible via a MLAK access key. Please bring your own MLAK to ensure access.

Co-disposal bins

We provide co-disposal bins for sanitary, incontinence and nappy material at all our public toilets and Council-managed buildings. You will find these bins in at least one cubicle at every facility.

The bins represent our commitment to the BINS4Blokes campaign, improving the inclusion and wellbeing of our many residents and visitors.

National public toilet map

For more accessible public toilet information, please check the national public toilet map.