Our Immunisation Service is available for families living in Kingston. The National Immunisation Program for children 6 weeks to 4 years is free for Medicare card holders.
We provide free immunisations for Medicare card holders for children aged six weeks to four years old at our Community Immunisation Sessions as per the National Immunisation Program Schedule.
Our immunisation bookings are now managed online via the Victorian Government's CIRV portal.
You will need to register first and then make your appointment by selecting 'Kingston City Council' as your immunisation provider.
Contact us: If you have any questions about an appointment booking, please call 9581 4870.
Before booking an appointment, please email proof of any previous vaccinations to immunisation@kingston.vic.gov.au and a nurse will make contact to discuss any recommended catch-up vaccinations.
Book an immunisation appointment
We offer school immunisation sessions at all our local secondary schools for year 7 and year 10 students as per the National Immunisation Program Schedule.
A parent or guardian's consent is required for all school immunisations. Your school will email parents prior to the school immunisation day with information and an online link to complete and submit.
If you wish your student to receive their year 7 or year 10 vaccinations out of school or if they were absent on immunisation day at school, you can attend one of Council's Community Immunisation Sessions.
Our immunisation bookings are now managed online via the Victorian Government’s Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal.
First-time users will be required to sign up before booking a vaccination date.
Book an appointment
Choose 'Kingston City Council' as your immunisation provider and then search for available sessions.
Select your preferred venue and date.
You will then need to create an account (if you don't already have one) or sign in to your account (if you aren't already signed in) to complete your booking.
Additional vaccines are available for purchase:
Speak to our team to find out which vaccine you need. You may be eligible to receive some immunisations for free.
Once you know which vaccine to purchase, complete our online form with payment.
Purchase a vaccine
If you prefer, you can also purchase a vaccine on the day of your appointment (card only payments).
You will need to register first and then make your appointment by selecting 'Kingston City Council' as your service provider.
If you purchase a vaccine prior to your appointment, remember to bring a copy of your receipt as proof of purchase.
Council offers community immunisation sessions by appointment only at the following venues:
Clarinda Community Centre 58 Viney Street, Clarinda 2nd Saturday of the month
Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre 31B Marcus Road, Dingley Village 2nd Wednesday of the month
Kingston's Mentone Offices 34 Brindisi Street, Mentone 1st Thursday and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Parkdale Family & Children's Centre 122 Warren Road, Parkdale 1st + 3rd Saturday and 3rd Thursday of the month.
Patterson Lakes Community Centre 54-70 Thompson Road, Patterson Lakes 2nd Thursday and 4th Wednesday of the month
Westall Community Hub 35 Fairbank Road, Clayton South 4th Thursday of the month
If you are under 20 years old and have missed any immunisations in the National Immunisation Program Schedule, you can receive them for free by making an appointment at one of our immunisation centres.
Our immunisation service does not provide travel vaccines.
If you are travelling overseas, visit your GP or a travel clinic at least one month prior to get advice on vaccination for you and your children.
Visit Better Health Channel’s Travel Immunisation or Smartraveller for more information.
You can access your immunisation history on the Australian Immunisation Register.
Your child’s immunisations must be up to date before enrolling in childcare or kindergarten in Victoria. Visit Better Health Channel’s No Jab, No Play for more information.
When enrolling, you will need to provide a current Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register
If you have recently moved to Australia, our immunisation team can help to:
Please email immunisation@kingston.vic.gov.au with the following information:
9581 4870