Other childcare options

Childcare provides a foundation for children to learn, develop and socialise in a safe and nurturing environment, and can assist parents seeking to return to work or study. Childcare includes Long Day Care and Occasional Care.

Read more about childcare options below, or view childcare options in your area.

Long day care

Long day care (also known as centre-based care) is an early childhood education and care service, delivered by qualified early years professionals, that provides part-time or full-time education and care for children 0-5 years.

Many long day childcare centres also offer other programs including funded three-year-old and four-year-old kindergarten. 

Occasional care

Occasional care is delivered by qualified early years professionals, that offers care to children on a regular or casual basis for up to 15 hours per week; these services are often in settings such as neighbourhood houses and recreational facilities.