Fire Services Levy

All councils in Victoria charge the Fire Services Property Levy.

The Fire Services Property Levy has replaced the insurance-based funding model as recommended by the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

Properties in the Kingston Municipality area will be levied to fund Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and will be levied based on the property type.

The FRV levies will consist of a fixed and a variable levy based on the property type and capital improved value of your property.

The Levy for the 2024/25 financial year will consist of:

Fixed component:

  • $132 for residential
  • $267 for commercial, industrial, and primary production properties

Variable component:

  • calculated as a percentage of the capital improved value of a property.
  • set by the State Government

For more information on the variable portion of your fire services levy visit the State Revenue Office’s website or call the State Revenue Office on 132 161.

The Government will fund $50 for concession holders currently qualified for rate rebates. Many properties exempt from rates (places of worship and RSL Clubs, etc) will still have to pay the levy.

The levy will be listed on Council rate notices, collected by Council and paid to the State Government. The levy will not be included in Council’s budgets because it is not Council’s money.

The levy will be based on property value rather than fire risk. Municipalities with high property values but low fire risk are expected to pay more overall. Actual outcomes will vary from property to property.