Apply for a planning permit

Navigating the planning permit process can be confusing, especially if you have little or no prior experience with it. This page provides an overview of the process.


Step 1.Before you apply

Getting advice before you start your application can save you time and help the process run more smoothly. See before you apply for more information.

Step 2.Prepare your application

You need to include the below when you submit your application:

  • Payment of the relevant Application Fee. See our planning fee schedule(PDF, 339KB) for details
  • A copy of the Certificate of Title for the subject site (no older than 90 days), including all relevant information (e.g. Restrictions, Covenants or S173 Agreements). You can get a Certificate of Title online at LANDATA Victoria or apply for us to purchase the copy of title for you
  • Site Context Plan or Neighbourhood and Site Description Plan
  • Design Response Plan
  • Detailed Site Layout Plan, Floor Plans and Elevation Plans.

Depending on your application type, please choose one of the below options.

Single dwelling

Use this application type for the construction of a single dwelling per lot or alterations and additions to a single dwelling per lot.

Apply and pay for a single dwelling permit

Change of use

Use this application type to apply to change the use of your land.

Apply and pay for a change of use permit

Residential and commercial development

Use this application type for:

  • residential development (construction of two or more dwellings)
  • commercial or industrial development;
  • signage
  • sports & recreation
  • retail
  • food and drink premises
  • any other development type permit

Apply and pay for a residential and commercial development permit

There is a total of 30Mb size limit for document attachments. Please email your documents to us at


Some applications are able to be fast-tracked using the VicSmart process.

To find out if you’re eligible, visit Planning Victoria or contact us on 1300 653 356.

Start your VicSmart application

Step 3.Preliminary assessment

We will send you a letter with details of your planning officer and application reference number. You can make an appointment with your officer to discuss your application once you receive this letter.

Your planning officer will assess the application and may request further information or suggest design modifications. You are less likely to need to provide additional information if you get pre-planning advice.

Step 4.Advertising

You need to advertise your plans if they may cause material detriment to another person.

Advertising usually involves:

  • the display of one or more notice on the site for fourteen days
  • a mail out to all nearby owners and residents
  • in rare circumstances, a public notice may be required.

We will take care of all advertising requirements for a set fee.

Advertised plans are available for viewing, up until a decision is made on the application.

A planning consultation meeting with all relevant parties may be required if you receive objections to your plans. 

Step 5.Referrals

Internal referrals

  • To help the assessment, we will ask for the opinion of other departments within Kingston.
  • We will use this information for our final assessment or to discuss any improvements needed.
  • It may take up to four weeks to receive these comments.

External referrals

  • Sometimes we must ask external government departments for their opinion.
  • Melbourne Water and VicRoads are commonly involved.
  • We must include all conditions they apply when we grant a permit.
  • The planning application must be refused if they object. Changes can be negotiated.
  • The external government department has 28 days to respond.

Step 6.Decision

Once we complete our assessment, we will prepare a report with a recommendation for a decision. There are four different outcomes that may take place in relation to your application:

1. Planning Permit - with endorsed plans

Your permit will be issued together with endorsed plans.

The endorsed plans should be read with the permit and constitute approval for the proposed use or development.

2. Planning Permit with conditions attached (Condition 1 requirements)

A Planning Permit may be issued subject to Condition 1 Requirements.

In this scenario,

  • condition 1 of the planning permit will require changes to the plans so that they can be approved
  • we will endorse the plans once they meet all the condition 1 requirements.

You can’t start your project until we have endorsed your plans.

3. Notice of Decision

A notice of decision:

  • is issued when there is a recommendation for approval despite there being existing objections to an application
  • will be sent to all parties, and any objectors will have 28 days from the date of the Notice of Decision with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Full details in relation to the appeal process through VCAT will be located on the back of the Notice of Decision document.

VCAT will let us know if an appeal against the Notice of Decision has been made. We will issue a planning permit if no objections are received.

4. Refusal

When a refusal is issued, our grounds of refusal will:

  • be itemised and set out within the refusal document
  • be forwarded to all parties to the application (Applicant, Objectors, Referral Authorities), and the applicant has 60 days from the date of the Refusal issue date to lodge an appeal with VCAT.

Full details in relation to the appeal process through VCAT are located on the back of the Refusal document or, for more information, see VCAT appeal procedures.

Step 7.VCAT hearing

You can apply for a VCAT hearing if you or an objector wish to appeal the decision made by us.

Step 8.Lodge final plans

The permit may have conditions that require changes to your plans. These changes must be approved before you can proceed.

Lodge your Condition 1 Plans

Step 9.Apply for additional permits

After you receive your planning permit, you may need other approvals such as:

  • Building permit: depending on the size and location of your proposal you may need a building permit. A building permit gives permission for how the construction is undertaken.
  • Business permit: this is typically required when selling food or drink commercially or providing other services such as tattooing, acupuncture or hairdressing.
  • Liquor licence from the Victorian Liquor Commission (VLC): as well as getting a planning permit to serve or sell liquor you must obtain a liquor licence from the VLC.
  • Road occupation and works permit: required if you need to block the road or footpath to undertake your works.
  • Footpath activities permit: required if you wish to conduct activity/business on the footpath (for example, outdoor seating).
  • Asset protection permit: required for building or works conducted near any public assets such as drainage, footpaths, roads etc to ensure they do not get damaged in the process
  • Vehicle crossing permit: required when constructing a new, or amending existing, vehicle crossing (driveways that cross the footpath)
  • Sustainable design assessment
  • Trees and vegetation: any tree with circumference at the base exceeding 110cm requires a permit for its removal.

For more information on any additional requirements, please contact us on 1300 653 356