Object to a Planning Permit

If you feel like you are negatively impacted by a proposed new development or planning application, you are able to submit an objection. You can also submit letters of support. This page will help guide you through exactly what you need to do. 

All objections received prior to a decision being made will be taken into account. We recommend you submit your objection early to ensure you are fully involved in the planning process. 


Step 1.View advertised plans

We encourage you to view the full plans before submitting an objection.

Advertised plans can be found on our advertising register  The plans will be available to view for the full advertising period. You can find the advertising period on the letter you received or on-site on the Public Notice (large yellow sign).

You can also view plans in person at our Planning Counter in our Customer Service Centre at 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham between the hours of 8.30am and 5pm.

Step 2.Prepare your documents

You must receive informed consent if you include personal information or copyright material of third parties. By submitting the material, you agree that the use of the material does not breach any third party’s right to privacy and copyright.

Personal Information includes:

  • the name, address or contact details of any third party
  • photographs of a third party or their property
  • a third party’s opinion about the planning application or related issue.

Step 3.Complete the online form

Attach any documents or photos that you would like to include with your form. You must include your name and address when you submit your form.

Your objection will be publicly available until we have decided on the application.

Object or support a planning permit application