Each property in Kingston has a unique address.
Properties have unique addresses, with strict guidelines to consider for numbering properties, any change must be carefully considered against future developments.
Streets have unique names to reduce confusion for emergency services. A request for a new street name is determined by the Department of Transport and Planning, Council is limited in changing the name of an existing street.
There are some limitations with numbering, especially with subdivisions, as we can’t renumber an entire street to accommodate a new dwelling. As a result, there are instances where a number may need to be shared.
Subdivision provides for the dividing and consolidation of land, and for the creation, variation or removal of easements or restrictions on the property title.
If you wish to change either your street number, or the street name, or request a subdivision, send a written request to info@kingston.vic.gov.au, or post your request to PO Box 1000, Mentone 3194.