Fences shared with Council

Property owners adjoining Council owned and managed land often have the expectation that Council will contribute to fencing costs, however this is not always the case. Council is required to act in accordance with its legal obligations as outlined in the Fences Act 1968 (Vic) and Road Management Act 2004 (Vic)

Council recognises that a boundary fence between a public park and public reserve is important with respect to the safety of park users and the adjoining property owner. In these circumstances, we will contribute to the cost to replace a boundary fence. View our Fencing Policy to check if your property is eligible. You can contact us at info@kingston.vic.gov.au or on 1300 653 356 if you are unsure.

If you are eligible under the Fencing Policy, we will contribute a set amount lineal metre rate of $71.50 incl. GST for replacement only. This rate is based on the market average of a standard timber paling fence to 1.95 metres and is subject to annual review. You need to obtain approval of Council's contribution before going ahead with the work.

If your property adjoins council occupied land covered under the Fences Act 1968 (Vic), we will contribute in accordance with the Fences Act.

Apply for a contribution

Step 1.Get a permit (if required) 

Check our fencing permits page to see if you need a building permit, report and consent, or planning permit.

Step 2.Make sure that you are eligible

Properties adjoining the below are not eligible:

  • land not owned or managed by Council
  • crown land and foreshore reservations under the Committee of Management of Council
  • road and road reserves, laneways, rights of ways, or walkways (except where a walkway forms part of a public reserve or public park)
  • drainage reserves
  • municipal car parks
  • pool fencing unless the pool fencing forms part of a dividing fence
  • any other public parks and public reserves not mentioned in section 4.3 of the Fencing Policy

Storm event

If the fence has been damaged and requires replacement due to a storm event, contact us at info@kingston.vic.gov.au or on 1300 653 356 with details of the damage. A Council officer will review the information and contact you regarding the next step.

Step 3.Prepare your documentation

Before you complete the application form you need to take photos of the existing fence and obtain a quote from a fencing contractor of your choice.

The quote must include:

  • your name and the property address
  • a cost per metre, material, height and include demolition and removal costs
  • any costs you are responsible for (vegetation removal, gates, trellis, enhancements, painting or decorative features)
  • a sketch indicating the boundary fence to be replaced

Step 4.Apply online

Once you have your photos and quote, you can apply for a contribution. 

We will review your application and let you know the outcome. Do not start work until you have approval from Council.

Apply for a council contribution