Commercial and industrial planning permits
Commercial and industrial developments or business land use proposals may require a planning permit.
This page will outline the steps you must take to obtain this permit.
Determine the planning controls
Every property has a set of planning controls that specify when a planning permit is required. These controls will determine what can be built on site and what the land can be used for.
To find out what controls apply to your property you can use Council’s property information or the Victorian Government’s planning maps online.
The relevant controls that are generated from these resources will be the zoning and overlays relevant to your site. The zones and overlays will specify what other criteria of the Kingston Planning Scheme you must comply with.
Common commercial development application types include signage, reduction to the car parking requirement, mezzanine floors, land use applications (such cafés and gyms) and any buildings or works outside the factory. Some works in commercial/industrial areas will qualify for VicSmart application which have a quick processing time.
Should you need any assistance you can call Town Planning Department on 1300 653 356 or book a virtual appointment.
Applying for a permit
It’s recommended to engage a professional to lodge a town planning application for on your behalf. Relevant professionals include, but are not limited to, draftspeople, architects and/or town planning consultants.
A typical commercial or industrial application, in addition to a written assessment of the relevant zone and overlay, will require the following to submitted with the application:
- A sweep of plans including:
- A site re-establishment survey.
- A site context plan.
- Existing and Proposed:
- Floor plans
- Elevation plans
- A proposed Landscape plan
- Colours, materials, finishes and other specifications plan
- Site photos of the street and subject site.
- Arborist report (If the proposal is seeking the removal of significant trees or may impact upon existing trees)
- A traffic report (if you are seeking to reduce or waive requirements of Clause 52.06)
- ESD report (for developments over 1,000m2 of gross floor area)
- Cultural Heritage Management Plan - if required.
Note: The Planning Scheme sets the parameters for the type of plan, and information/detail required for each application and planning zone type
Other permissions
- Building permit: depending on the size and location of your proposal you may need a building permit. A building permit gives permission for how the construction is undertaken.
- Business permit: this is typically required when selling food or drink commercially or providing other services such as tattooing, acupuncture or hairdressing.
- Liquor licence from the VCGLR: as well as getting a planning permit to serve or sell liquor you must obtain a liquor licence from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation.
- Road occupation and works permit: required if you need to block the road or footpath to undertake your works.
- Footpath activities permit: required if you wish to conduct activity/business on the footpath (for example, outdoor seating).
- Asset protection permit: required for building or works conducted near any public assets such as drainage, footpaths, roads etc to ensure they do not get damaged in the process
- Vehicle crossing permit: required when constructing a new, or amending existing, vehicle crossing (driveways that cross the footpath).
- Trees and vegetation: any tree with circumference at the base exceeding 110cm is requires a permit for its removal.
For more information on any additional requirements, please contact us on 1300 653 356.
Sustainable design assessment
Your application may be required to address Sustainable Design Practices in accordance with 10 key Sustainable Building Categories.
Advertising signs
Do I need a Planning Permit for my signs?
Requirements for advertising signage depend on the zoning, location and size of your proposed signs.
It is always best to check with Council to determine if a Planning Permit is required for Advertising Signage on your site.
Council's Planning Department can be contacted Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm on 1300 653 356 or visit our property information page.
Application requirements
Refer to the information sheet and checklist below for more information: