Commercial and industrial planning permits How to apply for permits relating to the construction, or changing use of commercial or industrial premises and businesses. Also includes information on advertising sign permits.
Fencing Guide to fencing permits, consents, and regulations with procedures for boundary and shared fences.
Land subject to flooding How our overlays and land use planning help to minimise the risk to life and property on land subject to flooding.
Remove, alter, or demolish a building (section 29a) Apply for a section 29a to get consent to alter remove demolish a building. Please be advised that any amendment requests after the Form B response has been issued, will require a new application and associated fee
Residential development How to obtain a town planning permit to complete any multi unit development on a property.
Tree removal Did you know that you need a permit to remove or prune trees that have a trunk circumference of 110cm or more? Find out what permits you need when it comes to trees and how the structural root zone for trees and vegetation affects this.