Get copies of permits and plans

Get copies of existing planning or building documents.

Planning permits and plans

Planning permits and associated endorsed plans are available for viewing at our planning counter during business hours.

You can apply online to get a copy of any planning permit and associated endorsed plans. The fee is $185 per permit and endorsed plans. Some properties may have multiple permits.

Apply for copies of planning permits and plans

We will get back to you within 10 working days. 

Building permits, documents and plans

You can request for copies of building permit plans and archived statutory building documents.

The fees are

  • $250 for residential plan
  • $350 for commercial plans
  • $125 for residential documents
  • $175 for commercial documents

You must be the owner or have owner's consent(PDF, 31KB) for this application type.

Apply for copies for building plans and documents

We will get back to you within 10 working days.