Kingston ensures Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) clauses are part of our planning scheme. The clauses aim to ensure that straightforward and inexpensive adjustments to building designs occur early in the planning process.
All residential developments of three or more dwellings, and all types of developments with a gross floor area more than 1,000m2 require an ESD report.
We encourage all new development to achieve net zero carbon through the following basic principles:
- Only power the building through electricity (no gas), and provide renewable energy to power the dwellings
- Maximise thermal performance of the building including maximising access to natural light and ventilation
- Maximise energy efficiency of appliances within the building
- Ensure switchboard capacity to allow electric vehicle charging infrastructure to be connected at a later date
- Use an embedded network provider that can ensure net zero is achieved through offsets, if required
For Council owned buildings the Community Buildings Environmentally Sustainable Development Policy guides performance standards for all new Council buildings, refurbishments, maintenance and demolition.
Recent changes to this council policy include Zero Carbon Council Building Targets and require alternatives to the use of natural gas to be investigated.