Public question time

Public question time is an opportunity for members of the public to have questions answered at Council Meetings. Public Question Time is governed by Rule 39 of Council’s Governance Rules.

Check the schedule of when Council meets.

Submit a question

Questions must be in writing and can be submitted by either:

  • submitting an online question form (below) by 3pm on the day of a Council Meeting; or 
  • placing a hard copy question form(PDF, 300KB) in the Question Box in the Council Chamber foyer by 3pm on the day of a Council Meeting. 

A question will not be read and an answer to your question will only be provided if the question:

  • does not relate to a matter beyond or outside Council's powers
  • is not defamatory, indecent, abusive or questionable
  • is not repetitive of a question already answered (whether at that meeting or an earlier one)
  • is not asked to be derogatory of or to embarrass a Councillor, a member of Council staff or a member of the community, and
  • is not related to a matter already considered and resolved upon by Council.

Please note that questions submitted late will either:

  • be dealt with at the next Ordinary Council Meeting, or
  • be answered in writing at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. 

Things to remember

  • please keep questions brief
  • two questions per person are allowed
  • the Chairperson has the discretion to decide that questions may be responded to either verbally at the meeting, or later in writing
  • like questions may be grouped together and a single answer provided
  • Sub-Rule 51.2 provides that community members/visitors must not interject or take part in the debate and must preserve silence in the gallery at all times
  • Sub-Rule 39.10 of the Governance Rules provides that no debate on questions asked or answers given is permitted.

What happens next?

  • your question will be read out at the next meeting
  • the response to your question will also be read out 
  • a written response may only be provided if sufficient contact information is provided. 


Click here to view form.