Dingley Village Community Precinct - Stage 2

  • Project typeMajor project
  • Project value$9.47m
  • Project schedule2023–2024
Dingley Village Community Precinct - Stage 2

The Dingley Community precinct is being developed to better meet the needs of our current and future Dingley community.

A masterplan was developed for the site and works were split into two stages.

Stage 1, completed in 2021, included:

  • new Dingley Village Library
  • upgraded Harold Box Hall including an all-abilities craft room and kiosk
  • connection between the two buildings featuring a multipurpose foyer and additional community meeting rooms.

Stage 2 construction works will include:

  • a new contemporary purpose-built early years education and care facility to deliver occasional childcare and funded kindergarten
  • flexible community programming and meeting spaces
  • maternal and child health and immunisation services
  • commercial kitchen
  • basketball court
  • a modern and spacious reception area and public amenities.

While the new facility is under construction, existing services will continue to run but will be temporarily relocated.


Will I still be able to access services at Dingley Village Community Centre while works are taking place?

You will be able to access the following services at the below locations from October 2, 2023:

  • Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre: Harold Box Hall, 31B Marcus Rd, Dingley Village
  • Kingston’s Supported Playgroup: Harold Box Hall, 31B Marcus Rd, Dingley Village
  • Little Villagers Child Care (LVCC): Westall Community Hub, 35 Fairbank Rd, Clayton South
  • Maternal & Child Health service: Clarinda Maternal & Child Health Centre, 21 Jacobs Drive, Clarinda

Will the Dingley Library and Dingley Farmers Market be open as usual during the works?

Yes. The Dingley Village Library and Dingley Farmers Market will be open as usual during the works. However, there may be some impacts to parking and access.

My program currently operates out of Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre, who can I talk to about service changes?

You can contact Trudy Pritchard, Centre Manager on 8512 0505 or manager@dvnc.com.au.

Will funded kindergarten be delivered at the new facility?

Yes, the Marcus Rd Kindergarten will relocate to the new facility when it’s completed, and more places will be available for local three- and four-year old children.

The kindergarten will continue to be operated by the Dingley Kindergartens committee of management and the Jacks Avenue Kindergarten will continue to operate at its current site.


What other early years services will be available at the new facility?

Little Villagers Child Care will continue to be provided by the Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre. The community playgroup, Reading Rockets and Council’s Supported Playgroup and Maternal and Child Health services will also be available.

If you have further questions about Little Villagers Child Care, you can contact:
Carly O’Neill, Child Care Manager on 8512 0509 or ccmanager@dvnc.com.au

Further information

If you have any queries regarding the project, please Council’s Inclusive Communities team on 1300 653 356 or email info@kingston.vic.gov.au


31B Marcus Rd, Dingley Village 3172  View Map

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