Our customer commitment

As a Council we exist to serve our community where providing excellent customer service must underpin all that we do.

Our promise to you

To deliver great customer service, our Councillors, employees, contractors and volunteers promise to:

  • Be friendly and courteous.
  • Be knowledgeable: should your request fall outside council’s responsibility, we will pass your request on to the relevant team or agency.
  • Understand your needs: we’ll take the time to listen and understand your issues and  take action or refer you to the best person to help you.
  • Provide timely and accurate information: we will provide accurate responses within a specified timeframe.
  • Provide multiple contact channels: there will be a range of channels for you to contact us in a time and way that suits you.
  • Be accountable: your issue will be recorded to support resolution by council officers
  • Close the loop: we will let you know the outcome of your enquiry and how a decision was reached when you ask us to.

Service standards

  • We aim to answer your calls within 3 minutes.
  • We aim to return phone calls within one working day.
  • We aim to respond to all written enquiries received via email, mail, or online within 10 working days of receipt. 

Our complaints process

We do our best to resolve complaints within 10 working days. If we cannot resolve your complaint within 10 working days, you will be kept informed of our progress.

You can make a complaint online or:

How you can help us

As a customer of Council, you can help us by:

  • Being clear about what you need so we can direct you to a staff member with the relevant experience
  • Treating our staff with courtesy and respect
  • Providing your current contact details and telling us if they change
  • Providing us with feedback.

Our community engagement commitment

Our objective is to be inclusive and provide opportunities for meaningful engagement for all our community.

This is achieved through:

  • Providing clear, relevant and timely information
  • Engaging our community on issues that affect them
  • Listening
  • Offering alternative contacts or resources where an issue is not within our control
  • Providing explanations for our decisions and how community feedback influenced the decision.

We love feedback

Let us know how we can improve your experience, we'd love to hear from you!

Contact us