Community Vision
Kingston worked with our community to develop a new Community Vision. Over 3,500 people got involved!
Watch our short video to find out more about the journey.
The Community Vision sets out the long-term goals of the community. This will help guide decisions made by Council. The Community Vision also shapes our four-year and 10-year Council Plan.
As part of this project, a diverse community panel of 45 people was formed to work with Council. The Panel spent over 2,000 hours using feedback from the community and other data to tackle this project.
Download the Community Vision report(PDF, 749KB).
Developing the vision
In 2020 Council partnered with PlaceScore to find out what the community values most. In early 2021 we reached out to the community to find out what they would like to see in Kingston.
To gather information from the community, we offered online face-to-face and targeted workshops.
We compiled the results from the community in the Phase One Consultation Report(PDF, 7MB). The Community Panel used this report as a basis to develop the Community Vision.
Vision principles
The Community Panel developed a set of principles to support the key themes of the vision.
Community planning
Ensures ongoing attention and consideration to local objectives.
We develop community infrastructure based on an agreed plan for the future.
Engaging, consulting and communicating with Kingston community members in making decisions for future planning.
Representation from all groups to ensure an inclusive and transparent process.
Consulting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to enhance Kingston’s respect, acknowledgement and honouring of our indigenous heritage.
- Uniting the community to shape our future develops pride and gives the community a sense of ownership and belonging.
- Community decisions are a reflection of the community's aspirations and vision.
Keeping the community informed, empowered and engaged
Promoting and facilitating greater community engagement and education about the range of services, programs and community groups available.
Supporting and investing in community education initiatives, continuous learning in the community and cultural festivals.
Champion our support for the environmental, mental and physical issues affecting our community.
- An informed, empowered and engaged community develops a greater sense of belonging, is inclusive and leads to higher levels of cooperation and understanding in achieving our vision.
Kingston is a respectful, inclusive and diverse community
We understand and celebrate our present and changing diversity. We acknowledge and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of the land on which we live.
We support the needs, abilities, skills, and languages of the many different people in our communities and we listen to their perspectives. We learn from their knowledge and culture.
We are strong because we stand together.
- We are a stronger community because we acknowledge our past and we are open to learning.
- A community that considers everyone is a connected community. No one is disadvantaged.
Innovation to create a sustainable community
Creative thinking and innovative problem solving will ensure that Kingston continues to thrive now and into the future. By fostering local sustainability we become resilient to the changes ahead. We are inspired by examples of innovation across the world. It is important that we use our resources well and wisely and reduce our impact on the earth.
- This place is not just for us, it’s for everyone who comes after us. We must bequeath them something we are proud of.
- To build a sustainable future we must build a city that incorporates new and intelligent ways of operating, creative ways of thinking, and being open to the discerning use of new technologies.
To make Kingston the most liveable city for its diverse community
Liveability refers to the desirability of a place to live, work and play, for all.
Characteristics of a liveable city include: land use, built form, public spaces and the natural environment; transport network, accessibility to work, education, health and community services; social and recreation opportunities.
The diverse community of Kingston wants it to be the best place to live. This includes being in a safe, healthy, affordable and sustainable city, which supports both individuals and businesses to thrive.
Prioritise the natural environment
Enhance and maintain our natural open spaces to restore and increase the biodiversity, resilience and vibrancy of Kingston.
Engage all efforts to prevent further climate change; plan and act to mitigate negative effects as they arise.
We preserve and sustainably manage Kingston’s land, water and air for current and future generations.
We continuously look for ways to implement best environmental management practices.
Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples involvement and practices in land care.
- To protect our future we must actively protect our environment today.
- Our environment supports an entire ecosystem that is not ours to destroy.
- We are a community working together to reduce our negative impacts on the environment.
Safety, health and well-being of the people of Kingston
To make Kingston a safe place and that everyone in the community feels safe.
Reinforce the acceptance and education of the diverse community, and create a safe environment because, in Kingston, we look out for each other.
Improve infrastructure that promotes safety and better accessibility.
- Kingston’s future is dependent on people feeling safe, comfortable and supported.
- Kingston prides itself on having a safe community and it is important for us to foster that.
Thriving Kingston businesses
We encourage job-creating businesses in the community as it stimulates our local economy and reduces the impact on transportation and the environment.
When we support our Kingston businesses, we create local jobs and careers and we sustain our local economy. Our community becomes resilient to future changes in our environment and economy. We acknowledge the jobs and careers that these businesses support - they add wealth to our community.
Our local businesses should be connected to the wider community, through diversity of product, services, education and communication. Business can attract other business, and the community encourages KCC to attract responsible business practices in sustainable industries. In turn, the community expects this to attract partnered businesses, expand local support, and build the Kingston economy.
At local markets, local shopping centres, and promoted through KCC media, there should be promotion of local, “sole” traders to showcase their local business, and the impact they have on the local culture. We recognise and support the local diverse multicultural business communities. KCC should educate the community to understand the value and importance of local business through targeted promotion of local traders.
Council could consider sustainable loans to businesses with innovative community vision; and the community in turn appreciates all local club sponsorship (and otherwise) that businesses provide.
Council should assist infrastructure development for our local businesses, through supporting infrastructure providers (e.g. telecommunications, electrical, etc) and their own (e,g. Roadways, etc).
- Without economy and businesses, our community cannot be sustainable; and without a community, a business cannot flourish. The two are inseparably linked.
Bringing the Community Vision to life
Kingston’s Community Vision and principles provides a strong basis for long term planning for Council and the community. The vision establishes a clear link between the future aspirations of the community and Council decision making for the future.
The vision will be formally incorporated into Council’s strategic planning, budgeting process and advocacy programs to ensure we are advocating for our community’s aspirations to all levels of government and agencies.
The Community Panel also developed a series of recommendations for Council's strategic plans.
We have used these recommendations along with feedback from the broader community to develop the Council Plan 2021-25, Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-25 and Financial Plan.
We look forward to working with the community to deliver the priorities of these plans to build a more liveable and sustainable Kingston.