Community Satisfaction Survey

Each year, we participate in the State Government's Community Satisfaction Survey. This is coordinated state-wide by the Department of Government Services. 

The objectives are to assess our performance across a range of measures and to seek ways to improve and provide more effective service delivery. Our results are compared to the rest of the state as well as selected Councils in the Melbourne metro area. 

2024 survey

During the year you may be contacted as part of a' door-to-door' asking you to share your feedback on our services. We will use your answers to assess our performance and identify ways that we can improve. 

If you do receive a call, please be assured that your details and individual responses are confidential - only the overall results are shared with the City of Kingston. 

We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions with us. 

Surveys are conducted quarterly by independent market research agency, Metropolis, on behalf of Council. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

2023 results

Perception of Council's overall performance is not significantly different from last year. It has declined year on year for the last two years, in line with the metropolitan average. Town planning is among Council's lowest rated service areas and has a relatively strong influence on overall perceptions of Council.

Council performs as well or significantly higher than State-wide and Metropolitan group averages on all service areas evaluated including core metrics such as overall performance. Council's performance in family support services outperforms both the State-wide and Metropolitan group averages. Waste management remains one of Council's strongest performing service areas, despite a significant decline in customer perception this year. Customer service is another area where Council is continually well regarded.

2023 Key findings and recommendations(PDF, 3MB)

2022 Results

Council is rated significantly higher than the State-wide average on overall performance, value for money, customer service, waste management, sealed local roads, local streets & footpaths, community decisions and consultation & engagement.

Waste management (index score of 77) was the best performing area for council, with customer service and sealed local roads being the next highest rated service areas (index scores of 73 and 65 respectively).

The lowest performing area of Council, according to residents, was overall council direction (52).

Majority of residents (58%) rate our overall performance as ‘very good’ or ‘good’, while few rate it as ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’ (9%). A further 31% sit mid-scale, rating Council’s overall performance as ‘average’. 

2022 key findings and recommendations(PDF, 3MB)

2021 key findings and recommendations(PDF, 2MB)