Child Safety and Wellbeing

Kingston is proud to be a child-safe organisation.

We are committed to ensuring no child is harmed by staff, volunteers, or work experience students. As set out by the Child safety and Wellbeing Management Commitment(PDF, 573KB).

View Kingston’s Child Safe and Wellbeing Policy(PDF, 446KB)Child Safe Standards Strategy(PDF, 444KB) and Action Plan(PDF, 213KB).

New Child Safe Standards came into effect in Victoria on 1 July 2022. Eleven new Standards have replaced Victoria’s previous seven. Victorian Government’s Child Safe Standards.

For more information visit the Commission for Children and Young People.

Help keep children safe

View Kingston’s Child Safety and Reporting Flowchart(PDF, 79KB)

  • If something doesn’t feel right, report it. 
  • If a child is in immediate danger, call 000.  

How to report concerning behaviour


If you are concerned about the behaviour of a staff member, volunteer, or work experience student towards a child, report it:  

Contact Kingston’s Child Safe Coordinator

If you are worried about the behaviour of a community member towards a child, contact one of the following organisations: 

  • If the child is in immediate danger

Call 000 Victoria Police

  • You see or hear something that is concerning and you are not sure what to do or who to tell. 

Commission for Children and Young People 
1300 78 29 78

  • You see or hear something that seems strange and makes you feel uncomfortable.  

Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000    

  •  You receive a disclosure from a child about abuse or neglect or observe indications of abuse or neglect.  

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Metropolitan Southern: 1300 655 795 
All regions after hours: 131 278

  • You’re made aware of the possible harm to a child. 

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Metropolitan Southern: 1300 655 795
All regions after hours: 131 278

  • You have formed a reasonable belief that a child is experiencing sexual and or physical abuse.  

Victoria Police 
Chelsea: 8773 3200
Cheltenham: 9583 9767 
Moorabbin: 9556 6565  
Mordialloc: 9588 2988

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Metropolitan Southern: 1300 655 795
All regions after hours: 131 278