Charter of Human Rights

The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the Charter) is a Victorian law that details the basic rights, freedoms and responsibilities of all people in Victoria. 

The Charter makes sure that the decisions and actions of our public authorities and governments (including the City of Kingston) are influenced by the values of Freedom, Equality, Compassion and Dignity. It helps you understand the rights and freedoms we all share, and ensures that if your rights are violated, you can take action to get justice. 

The Charter protects 20 Basic Human Rights which includes: 

  • cultural rights
  • recognition and equality before the law, and 
  • freedom of expression.  

Additionally, the Charter makes sure that we deliver services and ensures we make decisions that:   

  • give proper consideration to human rights before making a decision, and
  • act compatibly with human rights.  

Laws and policies created by Council that put restrictions on any of these human rights have to be reasonably justified.  


Further information about how we operate with the Charter, and the rights it protects:

Governance Program Leader, City of Kingston
1300 653 356

For further training, resources, education and awareness about the Charter for the public sector and for the community in Victoria:

Department of Justice and Community Safety
8684 0859

Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 
9281 7111 

For any Charter related complaints from residents about public authorities:

Ombudsman Victoria
1800 806 314