Gould League Victoria


Gould League is an independent not-for-profit organisation in Victoria with a long and proud history of environmental and sustainability education. We are Australia's oldest environmental education organisation, beginning all the way back in 1909!

We help teachers boost the impact of their science and sustainability curriculum, connect students with their natural world and empower the community with positive messages and practical actions to live more sustainably.

How do we do this?

* Environmental excursions for kinders, schools and community groups to any of our three sites at our Cheltenham Sustainability Centre, Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary and Toolangi State Forest.

* Incursions for kinders, schools, community groups and aged care residents to deliver the learning for those who can't make it to these sites through physical or financial restraints.

* Teacher professional development to upskill educators to educate for a sustainable future.

* Volunteer work is available for those wanting to make positive contributions to help us achieve our goals.

* Online sales of educational posters and resources.

* Membership for teachers, families, adults and children.


Gould League Victoria,  77 Argus Street Cheltenham,  Cheltenham 3192  View Map

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