No smoking in Kingston

Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes (vaping) are banned in parts of Kingston, including the following locations:

  • beaches and foreshore areas
  • children’s playgrounds
  • sporting reserves, while sports are occurring
  • schools, Family & Children's Centres and children's service premises
  • outdoor dining areas, including some courtyard and footpath dining areas
  • the major shopping precincts of Cheltenham, Mentone, Mordialloc, Chelsea and Moorabbin (smaller shopping precincts are exempt from the ban)
  • Victorian Public Premises (courts, hospitals, public health services, community health centres, public service bodies)

What is the purpose of the ban?

The purpose of banning smoking and vaping in specific areas across Kingston is to:

  • protect the community from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and the aerosol from e-cigarettes
  • further de-normalise smoking and vaping in the community. The more people see smoking and vaping in public places the more they will tend to think smoking and vaping is okay, rather than harmful
  • support people who have quit or are trying to quit smoking and vaping.
  • To protect the environment and keep our streets, parks and reserves, beaches and bay free of cigarette butt litter

Prohibited Products

The ban includes:

  • tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars and pipes
  • e-cigarettes and vapes

What penalties might apply?

A penalty of up to $200 applies.

Where can I find out more?

Visit the Department of Health or call the Tobacco Information Line on 1300 136 775.