Committees and networks

Advisory Committees

Our advisory committees help shape the strategic direction of Council by providing valuable feedback on policies and projects in the City of Kingston.

Consider applying if you:

  • are passionate about your local community
  • want to be involved in developing future directions of Kingston
  • would like to be involved in Kingston’s shared vision of the future
  • are happy to provide feedback on policies and projects in Kingston.

Read the Terms of Reference below for more information about the Advisory Committee you’re interested in before applying. 

We are not currently accepting any applications, however register your interest and we will keep your application on file until the next round of recruitment. 

Register your interest

Please contact the Governance department on 1300 653 356 if you would like a paper-based form or if you need any further information. 

Advisory Committees Terms of Reference

Access and Equity Advisory Committee

Active Kingston Advisory Committee

Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee

Business and Economic Development Advisory Committee

Community Safety Advisory Committee

Environment and Open Spaces Advisory Committee

Youth Advisory Committee 

Prevention of Family Violence Working Group

The Kingston Prevention of Family Violence Working Group provides advice to Council on the development and implementation of Council’s priority actions to prevent family violence, set out in annual action plan of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. 

The group is comprised of community members with lived experience of family violence and local community organisations.

For further information, contact Kingston's Social Policy and Planning Officer via phone on 1300 653 356 or email at

Family Violence Working Group Terms of Reference(PDF, 188KB)

Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group

The City of Kingston Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group (RAG) is to act as a conduit between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, reconciliation stakeholders and the City of Kingston. 

The RAG will guide the implementation of the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and provide advice to Kingston Council’s internal RAP Working Group between November 2021 and April 2024. 

For more information, please refer to the RAG Terms of Reference(PDF, 105KB) and the RAG Code of Conduct(PDF, 126KB).

How do I get involved?

To join the RAG membership, please fill out an expression of interest (EOI) form(PDF, 146KB) and email to

Membership of the RAG will consist of: 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who live or work in Kingston
  • Representatives from community organisations, agencies and service providers that have a focus on provision services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Kingston
  • Members are voluntary and may hold a position on the advisory group for a term of two (2) years.

For further information, or if you need help completing the EOI, please contact

Historical Societies Network Committee

The Historical Societies Network Committee has been established to provide a conduit between Council and municipal Historical Societies.

The Network provides an important forum for collaboration, idea generation, and a point of reference for identifying municipal-wide emerging issues and opportunities regarding history and heritage within the City of Kingston that impacts member groups.

The Network has a purely collaborative and consultative focus. This means that the Historical Societies Network Committee does not have any financial delegation or decision-making capacity.

Read the Historical Societies Network Committee Terms of Reference

Kingston Interfaith Network

The Kingston Interfaith Network celebrates the commonality and diversity of our spiritual communities by:

  • encouraging, understanding and respect between peoples of all faiths and cultures
  • affirming spiritual and religious freedom
  • working towards peace, compassion, and equality within our local community.

Read the Kingston Interfaith Network Committee Terms of Reference

How to join

Nominated members need to either live in, or practice their faith, in Kingston. The group meets quarterly and works together on a range of projects that involve the Kingston Interfaith Network and the broader community.

Representatives of faith communities are welcome to apply – you just need a letter of endorsement by your faith leader attached to your application. Appointed members will be a part of the committee for a two-year term.

Apply now

For more information, contact the Community Diversity & Inclusion Officer on 1300 653 356 or at 

Kingston Interfaith Newsletter

The Kingston Interfaith Newsletter keeps faith organisations and their congregations connected. It includes information about interfaith events and resources, opportunities for community consultation, social support services and community events in Kingston.